A graphic displays an image of Alisha Camacho, Rhonda Hamilton, and Kari Fulton as part of the museum's exhibit. A quote reads, "Some of the best organizing efforts started around the kitchen table."

Featured in Smithsonian’s “To Live and Breathe: Women and Environmental Activism”

When Smithsonian Anacostia Community Museum's launched its exhibit, "To Live and Breathe: Women and Environmental Justice in Washington, D.C.," it was a bit surprising to turn a corner and see a life-sized photo of myself, Rhonda Hamilton, and Kari Fulton on full display.

The exhibit explores how local women of color draw on a long history of activism and advance environmental justice efforts locally in D.C., across the country and beyond.

I've had the honor of standing beside Rhonda as she leads the fight for clean air near Buzzard Point in Washington, D.C. I was particularly drawn to Rhonda's quote on the wall reading, "Some of the best organizing efforts started in the kitchen." Some of our initial organizing efforts took place around my kitchen table in D.C., and I think it speaks to the grassroots level of Rhonda's efforts.

The photo was provided courtesy of The Washington Post. The graphic displayed is a mockup design for context, not an image of the actual exhibit.